Travel and Mileage Tax Refunds with RIFT

Claiming tax refunds for travel can be complicated, from work mileage allowances to DVLA tax refunds. Work travel expenses are a big part of most tax rebate claims, so it’s worth knowing the terrain before you set yours rolling. HMRC won't automatically give you a mileage tax rebate for your travel so you have to claim it back, which can be worth £3,000 on average when you claim with RIFT. Here’s a quick roadmap for vehicle tax and mileage allowance relief claims with RIFT.

Mileage tax reliefWhat is mileage allowance

When you’re travelling for work, the UK tax laws mean you’re entitled to some tax back for your mileage. As long as your work travel’s essential to your job, and it’s to a temporary workplace, you could be owed some mileage tax relief each year. “Temporary” here just generally means you’re working there for under 24 months on the trot. A daily commute to a permanent workplace won’t earn you a work mileage tax rebate, for example. You can claim 45p per mile for the first 10,000 miles you travel by car or van. After 10,000 miles you can claim 25p per mile after that.

Why use RIFT Refunds?Travel and Mileage Tax Refunds the RIFT way...

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HMRC mileageHow do I claim my mileage back from HMRC?

Claiming back tax for your work mileage can seem like a lot of stress, but with the right help it really doesn’t need to be. Every mile you travel to temporary workplaces over the year scores you a little cash back from HMRC. Of course, the taxman won’t automatically know how far you’ve travelled or what it’s cost you. That means you’re going to need to keep a few records.

When you’re ready to make your claim, you can do it yourself using a P87 form from the HMRC website. Doing the DIY route means you'll need to do all the calculations yourself - or better yet, have RIFT Tax Refunds take care of the whole process for you. We can make all the calculations and track down the trickier information for you - even if the employers or workplaces you had no longer exist!

Mileage and Self-AssessmentHow to claim mileage allowance relief on Self-Assessment

When you’re self-employed, you don’t pay your tax through the PAYE system. Instead, you report your earnings and expenses in your Self-Assessment tax returns. To claim tax relief on your mileage through Self Assessment, you need to keep records of all the essential work travel expenses you’re claiming for. They’ll count against the profits you’re being taxed on, bringing your final tax bill down. Talk to us for expert help on claiming mileage allowance in your next tax return.

Mileage Tax RefundsHow much are mileage tax refunds worth in 2025?

HMRC has set out some Approved Mileage Allowance Payment (AMAP) rates to help cover the travel and running costs of your vehicle. Right now, those rates are:

  • 45p per mile for the first 10,000 miles by car/van, 25p per mile after that.
  • 24p per mile by motorcycle.
  • 20p per mile by bicycle.

You might already be getting something from your employer toward your work travel. Even so, if you’re not getting at least the full amount of mileage tax relief the AMAP rates allow, you can claim back the difference as a mileage claim from HMRC with RIFT Tax Refunds.

HMRC ChecksDo HMRC check mileage claims?

Absolutely! The taxman expects you to prove you’re owed every penny you’re claiming. That’s why it pays to be precise with the information you give him. Unless you’re a real expert in tax rebates, it’s all too easy to end up missing out on what you’re owed for your mileage.

Worse still, if you claim too much – even accidentally – you can find yourself in a lot of trouble fast. HMRC has a long list of fines and penalties to throw your way if you don’t play fair with the tax rules. That’s another big reason why it’s always worth talking to RIFT before you make your claim. We’ve got the expertise and experience to keep you and your money completely safe.

Mileage AllowanceIs mileage allowance relief the same as a car tax refund?

Mileage tax refunds are about the work travel you’re doing. Vehicle tax refunds, on the other hand, are about reclaiming unused road tax (Vehicle Excise Duty) when you’re not using your vehicle. For instance, you can claim a DVLA tax refund if you’re scrapping or selling your car while there’s still some tax left on it. The same thing goes if you declare your vehicle as off the road with a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN). Road tax refund claims like this can be made at the DVLA, either online or via post or even phone.

RIFT GuaranteeOur guarantee means you'll never lose a penny

When you claim your tax refund with RIFT, our unique RIFT Guarantee means that you don't have to worry about the taxman reclaiming any of your money. So long as you give us full and accurate information if HMRC disagrees with the amount that we've claimed and ask for the money back, we'll pay it. It won't cost you a penny. This guarantee is included as part of our 30% fee. To read more about our fees click here.

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