RIFT has always been a proud supporter of the Armed Forces. From the £56 million in MOD tax refunds we've claimed for almost 36,000 people to our partnership with ABF the Soldiers' Charity, we do our part to support former and current military families. In fact, with a number of our current and former employees either from military backgrounds or families themselves we’re keenly aware of the specific day to day issues that only affect those in the Armed Forces.

We've often spoken about the importance of helping Service leavers to find work or start businesses, and argued strongly for employers to look closely at what they can bring to the table in construction, offshore and other industries. Now, we're cementing RIFT's support of Britain's military even further by signing up to the Armed Forces Covenant.

The Armed Forces Covenant is a commitment to honour the trials and sacrifices of the Army, Naval Service and Royal Air Force. It's a recognition of the work they do, the challenges and dangers they face and the price they so often pay. Crucially, it's a commitment that no one who serves their country should be disadvantaged as a result. The Armed Forces Covenant calls on individuals, employers and organisations to honour those who risk their own lives to protect ours.

When a business like RIFT signs the Covenant, it means that we believe an Armed Forces life is one of genuine significance. It means we intend to see that people who serve are treated fairly, and with the unfailing respect their work has earned them. In practical terms, it means that RIFT will continue to employ, and encourage the employment of, veterans young or old. In the Covenant's own terms, this is the Bronze level – the bedrock commitment that firmly plants your flag. Understanding the challenges faced by MOD personnel and Service leavers, RIFT intends to take our pledge further. To qualify for Silver status this year, we will continue to:

  • Fight for the fair treatment of Service personnel and veterans.
  • Work to ensure that our own workforce understands and lives up to our commitments.
  • Promote the Armed Forces Covenant's work, and hold ourselves to its highest standards.

Ultimately, our sights are firmly set on the Gold tier, representing the strongest possible commitment to upholding the Armed Forces Covenant.

RIFT already has a strong relationship with ABF The Soldiers' Charity. We make a regular contribution to support their work, and get involved directly with many of their events and activities. As tax specialists, we're keenly aware of how many Armed Forces personnel and service leavers are missing out on the tax refunds they're owed. In fact, we battled a storm of misinformation to successfully get official confirmation that these refunds were even allowed..

There are industries in the UK that are desperately in need of skilled hands and cool heads – qualities that Forces work depends on. Many veterans look for security work, or hope to go into business for themselves. Whatever fields they enter, the path there can be rocky. With 2 decades of expertise in claiming tax refunds, solving problems with HMRC and building businesses, RIFT is throwing its full weight behind these journeys and the people making them. Our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant is just one of the steps we're taking, but it's one we're proud of and strongly believe in.

You can find out more about the Armed Forces Covenant on their website.

Also, be sure to visit our partners, ABF The Soldiers Charity to see how you could get involved and raise some much-needed money for this extremely worthy cause.

Find out for free if you're due a tax rebate using our tax refund calculator.  It will give you an instant estimate of how much cash you could be owed from HMRC.  Or, if you need to file a tax return, get a quote for our tax return service.